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Real Estate Investar Training

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What should I enter in to the Market Factors section in Property Analyser?

Market factors relate to the inflationary factors in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. You can use the sliders or type in the box provided.Market factors property analyser

Consumer price index (%)Insert the CPI (Consumer Price Index %)  as this governs the average rate of inflation that you will experience in relation to costs. This impacts the % by which your rental income and property expenses will increase each year if they move up in line with inflation. This figure can be obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics or Reserve Bank of Australia websites. 

Capital growth (%) Enter the average rate of annual capital growth you expect to achieve over the long term. This affects the rate at which your property will increase in value each year and impacts your increased equity in the property. This figure can be estimated based on historical performance of a suburb which can be obtained from the Suburb Flyover Report.


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